Asset Value Not Changed
  • 15 Apr 2024
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Asset Value Not Changed

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Article summary

Asset Investigation monitors changes in asset field values over a specified period of time.
The Asset value not changed event is triggered when Asset Investigation tracks asset fields, and Axonius calculations determine that the selected asset field has not changed its value over a specified number of days, weeks, or months.

For example, you can configure a Workflow to be triggered if a ticket status does not change in a month. You can then proceed in the Workflow as follows: If the status for the last month has been 'product block', send an email to VP Product. And if the status for the last month has been CR, send an email to VP Product.

  • Only asset fields covered in Asset Investigation can be selected.
  • Only assets with values (including 'earliest value') in Asset Investigation at the time of event creation are included in Workflow triggered assets.
  • The timeframe is limited to that available in Asset Investigation.
  • The asset value is compared to the value when the Workflow was saved.

To select the Asset value changed event

  1. In the Event pane, select AssetValueNotChangedButton
    The Asset value not changed dialog opens.


  1. From the adapter dropdown, select an adapter, and then from the Select Axonius field dropdown, select a field. The dropdown list includes all fields supported by Asset Investigation.
  2. Select the number of Days, Weeks, or Months during which to check whether the asset value has changed.

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