Viewing Campaign Run History
  • 30 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Viewing Campaign Run History

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Article summary

From the Campaign drawer of a selected Campaign that is In Progress, Scheduled, Terminated, or Completed, you can open the Campaign Run History.
The Campaign Run History summarizes the results of running the Campaign for each User per Application.


For a Scheduled campaign, the Campaign Run History tab becomes enabled only once the Campaign begins running.

To view the run history of a Campaign

  1. In the Campaigns table in the Campaigns page, click a Campaign.
  2. In the Campaign drawer that opens, click the Campaign Run History tab. The Campaign Run History opens, displaying the runs of the selected Campaign.
    The Campaign Run History page consists of the following main elements:

Campaign Run History Table

The Campaign Run History table displays a list of Campaign runs, with one row representing each run (per User per Application). The table includes the following fields, by default, for each Campaign:

  • User - The name of the User whose right to continue accessing an application is being reviewed by the Approver.
  • Application – The application that the Approver must approve or revoke continued access for the User.
  • Approver - The email address of the manager who has been assigned to approve or revoke the user's continued access to the application. Can be an Axonius or non-Axonius user.
  • Response Status – Response of the Approver to the sent message regarding the User's access to the Application.
    • Pending Response - The Approver did not yet respond.
    • Message Delivery Failed- The message was not delivered to the Approver due to missing or incorrect manager details.
    • Approved - Approver granted the User continued access to the Application.
    • Revoked - Approver removed from the User continued access to the Application.
    • Terminated - The Campaign was manually terminated (using the Terminate action).
  • Action Time – The date and time that the Approver responded.
  • Result - The result of the run. An Approve or Revoke (configured with Update in Axonius) response uses a Custom Data action to indicate this response on the dedicated Axonius Custom Field Campaigns Approval, and always succeeds, and hence the Result in this case is always Success. A Revoke response configured with Revoke includes running an Enforcement Action to revoke the Application from the User. When this Enforcement Action succeeds to remove the Application from the User, the Result of the run is Success; otherwise it is Failure. For other response statuses (Pending Response, Terminated, and Message Delivery Failed), there is no value under Result (the run result is irrelevant).

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