Configuring Login Settings
  • 10 Jul 2023
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Configuring Login Settings

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Article summary

To open the Login Settings:

  1. From the top right corner of any page, click image.png. The System Settings page opens.
  2. In the Categories/Subcategories pane of the System Settings page, expand GUI, and select Login.
  • Custom message (optional, default: empty) - This setting lets you define a custom message that appears on the Login page.

    • A custom message can display a maximum of 3000 characters.
  • No Access custom message (optional, default: empty) - This setting lets you define a custom message that appears when an unauthorized person tries to log into Axonius. An example of a message is: 'You are not authorized to access this application'

  • Default login page - Set the default login page to one of the following:

    • Axonius Login - default
    • LDAP Login - If you toggled on Allow LDAP login in Identity Provider settings, you can set which login page appears as default for LDAP users.
  • To set SAML-Based Login Settings as default, select Automatically redirect all logins to the identity provider in SAML-Based Login Settings.


  • LDAP Login title - Use this setting to set a custom title to display for the LDAP login message.

    • If not supplied, the LDAP Login title displays 'LDAP LOGIN'.
    • A custom title can display a maximum of 26 characters.
  • Axonius Login button text - Use this setting to set a custom name for the Axonius link button on the LDAP login page.

    • If supplied, this is the name of the Axonius link button on the LDAP login page.
    • If not supplied, the Axonius link button is named 'Switch to Axonius Login'.
    • The custom link button can display a maximum of 25 characters.

LDAP Login.png

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