Changing Dashboard Access Permissions
  • 09 Sep 2024
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Changing Dashboard Access Permissions

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Article summary

You can change the access permissions for dashboards.

Each chart in a dashboard also has associated queries with their own permissions. The permissions for these queries are also updated to the same permissions as the dashboard.

  • A shared dashboard can only be edited in the Global Data Scope.
  • A user with Editor access on dashboards and is assigned a non-Global Data Scope, will not be able to edit a shared dashboard.
  • When you change access permissions, the dashboard is moved to the appropriate folder according to the new permissions.

To edit access permissions of a dashboard:

  1. Select the dashboard you want to edit.

  2. From the 3-dot menu above the upper right corner of the dashboard, select Edit.

  3. Under Access, select specific roles you want to have access to the dashboard. The dashboard creator always has Editor access.

    Then, select the permissions you want to assign these roles:

    • No Access - The selected roles will not have access to the dashboard. This is useful if you want to grant access to all roles except a few.
    • System Access - The selected roles are granted access according to the permissions configured for each role.

      When you change the access permissions from Private to Public by selecting System Access, in case underlying chart queries need to be updated as well, Axonius verifies that you have the required permissions to make this change. If you don't have the necessary permissions, a message is displayed informing you that you need additional permissions.

    • Viewers - The selected roles only have permission to view the dashboard, regardless of the permissions configured for each role.
    • Editors - The selected roles have permission to view and edit the dashboard, regardless of the permissions configured for each role.

    See Managing Roles for more information about assigning permissions to roles at the system level.

  4. For All roles, select the permission level for all roles not specifically selected above.

    A description of the access settings is displayed in the blue message area.

  5. When in the Global Data Scope, you can select Share with selected roles within all Data Scopes if you want users with the selected roles that are assigned any Data Scope to have access to the dashboard.


    When you change the access permissions to Shared by selecting Share with selected roles within all Data Scopes, in case underlying chart queries need to be updated as well, Axonius verifies that you have the required permissions to make this change. If you don't, a message is displayed informing you that you need additional permissions.

  6. Select Admin Access Only to give access only to users with the Admin role.

  7. Click Save.

    • When updating permissions to Shared or Public, if necessary, a message is displayed listing the affected charts, the relevant underlying queries, and where the queries are used. Hover over a chart name to see more detailed information about where the query is used. After verifying the changes, click Change Permissions to Shared/Public to update the permissions of the dashboard and all underlying queries.

The dashboard is updated and, if necessary, moved to the appropriate folder according to the access permissions you selected, and displayed on the Dashboards page.

See Performing Actions on Dashboards for more options.

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