- 07 Jan 2024
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Working with Tables
- Updated on 07 Jan 2024
- 3 Minutes to read
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Axonius organizes and presents data in tables, making it possible for you to view details in the tables' rows and columns and compare values.
Refer to Setting Page Columns Display for additional table actions that can be performed only on Asset tables.
Resizing a Table Pane
In pages that have two panes (such as Enforcement Center, Queries, and Assets) with the main Table pane on the right, you can hide the left pane or change the widths of both panes.
To show only the table pane
- Hover over the pane divider and click the Collapse icon
To restore the smaller pane
- Hover over the pane divider and click the Expand icon
To change the widths of the table panes
- Hover over the vertical bar between the panes and drag it to the left/right to enlarge/reduce the width of the Table pane.
Navigating between Table Result Pages
By default, 20 results are displayed in each table page. You can change the number of displayed results per page and choose between 20, 50 or 100, by clicking the appropriate icon on the bottom left side of the table:
Use the pagination bar at the bottom right side of the table to move between pages:
Changing the Order Columns are Displayed
You can change the order of columns directly from the table. Drag and drop columns on the table to arrange them in the order that you want.
This is available for all tables in the system (Asset tables, Adapter Connection tables, Activity Logs, Enforcement Sets, and more).
You can save the new column view only in Asset tables, using Edit Columns.
Sorting a Table
You can sort a table by any text column.
To sort a table
Hover over a column header. A small arrow appears. The up arrow indicates that the column is sorted in ascending order (i.e., from low to high). The down arrow indicates sorting in descending order (i.e., from high to low). Sorting columns alphabetically is case insensitive.
Click the small arrow to set a sort order.
You can filter a table by selecting or entering search text in one or more filters from the Filter Bar above the table.
You can click Select All to select all choices in a specific filter and Clear All to clear all selections in a specific filter.
Total Results
The total number of results found for the search criteria is displayed on the top left side of a table just under the Filter bar. If no filter criteria are selected, Total represents the total number of defined entities.
Once you select a result the system shows you the number of results selected (out of the total)
Resetting the Table View
You can reset the table view to the user default column view with no filtering and display all rows by clicking the Reset link above the search bar.
Reset only works on asset pages, if you haven't saved the view as User default.
Performing Actions on Table Rows
Actions are available on many tables. They provide a conventient way to perform a wide range of actions. Some Actions only work on a single row and are disabled when multiple rows are selected.
Actions are displayed as icons at the right side of the row when you hover over any row in the table. When there are four actions or more, on hover, only the first three Actions are displayed. Click the More Actions icon to see the rest of the available actions. Once you select one or more rows, the available actions are displayed at the top of the table. Actions are displayed in the same order whether displayed by hovering or by selecting items in the table.
The functions you can perform with Actions are different for each table.