Jira Service Management (Service Desk) Fetch Tickets
  • 17 Dec 2024
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Jira Service Management (Service Desk) Fetch Tickets

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Article summary

Jira Service Management (Service Desk) is a project management tool that helps software development teams plan, track, and release software.

Types of Assets Fetched

This adapter fetches the following types of assets:

  • Tickets


  1. Host Name or IP Address (required) - The hostname or IP address of the Jira Service Management (Jira Service Desk) server.

  2. Jira Service Management API version (optional) - The version type. The default value is 1.0.

  3. User Name and API Token (required) - The credentials for a user account that has permission to fetch assets. Note: The API Token is not the same as the Admin Key. For information on how to create an API Token, see Manage API tokens for your Atlassian account.

  4. Verify SSL - Select whether to verify the SSL certificate of the server against the CA database inside of Axonius. For more details, see SSL Trust & CA Settings.

  5. HTTPS Proxy (optional) - Connect the adapter to a proxy instead of directly connecting it to the domain.

  6. HTTPS Proxy User Name (optional) - The user name to use when connecting to the value supplied in Host Name or IP Address via the value supplied in HTTPS Proxy.

  7. HTTPS Proxy Password (optional) - The password to use when connecting to the server using the HTTPS Proxy.

  8. Use Cloud API - Use this option to add support for cloud-based installations of Jira Service Management (Service Desk) with Jira Insight.

To learn more about common adapter connection parameters and buttons, see Adding a New Adapter Connection.

Jira Fetch Tickets Cloud

Jira Service Management Fetch Tickets Settings for Cloud


Jira Service Management Fetch Tickets Settings for On Prem

Advanced Settings


Advanced settings can either apply for all connections for this adapter, or you can set different advanced settings and/or different scheduling for a specific connection, refer to ​Advanced Configuration for Adapters.

  1. JQL (optional) - Enter JQL code that will manually override the JQL query.
  2. Custom fields to show in basic view (Tickets) (Custom Schema Entry (JSON)) - Use these settings to add JSON text that represents the SNAP structure to parse the raw data field to basic view in the GUI. Refer to Using Custom Schema Entries to Add JSON Text to Show in Basic View for examples of SNAP structures.

Using Custom Schema Entries to Add JSON Text to Show in Basic View

You can use custom schema entries to add JSON text to show in basic view. Use the plus sign to add an entry to each field.
Jira Fetch Tickets Custom schema entry advanced config

Enter fields in the following JSON format:

    "label": "Asset ID",
    "raw_field": "asset_id",
    "field_type": "str"
    "label": "Updated at",
    "raw_field": "updated",
    "field_type": "datetime"
  • label - the name for the field you want to appear in the basic view

  • raw_field - the name of the field as it appears in JSON format on the Adapter Connections page of the Asset Profile (or Advanced view table)

  • field_type -the field type as it appears in JSON format. The following field types are supported. int, string, datetime, float, bool. You can write them in the following ways:

    'int', 'string', 'str', 'date', 'datetime', 'float', 'bool', 'boolean'.


To learn more about Adapter Configuration tab advanced settings, see Adapter Advanced Settings.


Axonius uses the The Jira Cloud platform REST API (/rest/api/2/search with JQL) to fetch tickets.

Supported From Version

Supported from Axonius version 6.1

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