Case Management Page
  • 06 May 2024
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Case Management Page

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Article summary

The Case Management page displays all Cases in the system that are in your data scope - those created directly from Case Management and those created from the Enforcement Center using the Create new case enforcement action.
From the Case Management page, you can create new Cases, track the progress of existing Cases, modify the status and other fields of a Case, or delete one or more Cases.
You can manage Cases in Table view or in Kanban (tile) view.

  • It is possible to see all Cases in your data scope, even those that are assigned to others.
  • From Table view only:
    • Bulk delete Cases.
    • Bulk change status of Cases.
    • Edit Case details.
  • Any changes made to Cases in Table view are also effective in Kanban view, and vice versa.

Managing Cases in Table View

To view the Cases opened in the system

  1. In the left menu, click the Case Management CaseManagementIcon icon.
    The Case Management page opens in Table view (the default).

You can also manage the Cases in Kanban (tile) view.

The total number of saved cases is displayed on the top left side of the table: Total 5.
The following information is displayed on the Cases page for each Case.

  • Case Title - The name assigned to the Case.
    • When an Enforcement Set creates a new Case, if the Case Title already exists, an underscore and code are appended to the Case Title.
      For example, the first Case created by the Enforcement Set run is named CaseTestA, and the second and third cases created are named CaseTestA_1714909617545976 and CaseTestA_1714959623734099.
  • Type - The type of Case.
  • Priority - The urgency of the Case. P0 is the highest; P4 is the lowest.
  • Due Date - The date (and optionally, the time) by which all assets in the Case are due to be resolved.
  • Due In - The number of days until the Due Date, displayed in color if due in 1 to 10 days or overdue. This value is calculated by hours remaining (24 and under = 1 day remaining, 24-48 = 2 days, etc.). Or if the Due Date has passed, displays Overdue.
  • Base Query – The query on which the Case is based. For a Case created by the Create new case enforcement action, this is the Enforcement Set query.
  • Assignee - The user assigned to handle the Case.
  • Status - The status of the Case.
  • Case Progress - The progress of the Case (in percentage). Learn more on how the case progress is calculated.
  • Created on – The date and time that the Case was created.

When you click the row of a Case in a table, its Case drawer opens. Refer to Viewing and Editing Case Details to learn more about tracking the progress of a Case, and modifying its status or other fields.

Case Actions

You can perform the following actions for selected Cases in Table view.

Deleting Cases

From the Case Management table, you can delete one or more Cases at the same time.

To delete one or more Cases

  1. In the Case Management table, hover over the row of a Case, and then at the end of the row, click the Delete icon DeleteIconB or select the checkboxes of one or more Cases (the number of selected records is displayed next to the Total results), and then on the top right of the table, click the Delete action DeleteAction1. The system asks you to confirm the deletion.
    You can also select all records in the table, or clear your entire selection.

  2. Click Delete to confirm. The selected Cases are completely deleted from the system. This cannot be undone.

Changing the Status of a Case

By default, a newly created Case is in To Do status. You can decide on the Case status and change it accordingly. After beginning to work on resolving the case, you can manually change the status to In Progress. Then, depending on the results of your investigation, you can change the status to Closed or Backlog.
On the Case Management page, you can manually change the status of a single Case or mark a single or bulk selection of Cases, without even first opening the Cases.
You can also change the status from the Case drawer.

To change the status of one or more Cases

  1. In the Case Management table, hover over the row of a Case, and then at the end of the row, click the Change Status icon ChangeStatusIcon1 or select the checkboxes of one or more Cases (the number of selected records is displayed next to the Total results), and then on the top right of the table, click the Change Status action ChangeStatusAction.
    You can also select all records in the table, or clear your entire selection.

  2. From the Status dropdown that opens, click one of the available statuses: To Do, In Progress, Done, or Backlog.

The status of the selected Cases changes in the table to the new status.

Searching and Filtering Saved Cases


You can filter the Cases in the system to display only those with:

  • The Search text in one of the Case fields.

  • The titles selected from the Title dropdown.

  • The types selected from the Type dropdown.

  • The priorities selected from the Priority dropdown.

  • The Query text in the Query name. From the list of Queries containing the string entered, select the relevant Query name. Once you start typing, up to 150 items are displayed.

  • The statuses selected from the Status dropdown. Available statuses: To Do, Backlog, In Progress, Done.

  • In the date range selected in From - To - Click the Date Range picker to filter the dates that Cases were created.

    • Select two dates to set the date range.
    • To filter Cases only for a specific date, select the same date twice.
    • Click Select Time in the date range picker to include specific times in the date range.
    • Click Ok to set the Date Range filter.

Click Reset to clear the search and filters.

Managing Cases in Kanban View

You can display the Cases in the system in a convenient fashion in Kanban view. Each Case is displayed in the column that corresponds to its current status: Backlog, To Do, In Progress, or Done.
In Kanban view, you can easily change the status of a Case by dragging and dropping it to its relevant status.

To view the Cases opened in the system in Kanban view

  1. In the left menu, click the Case Management CaseManagementIcon icon. The Case Management page opens in Table view (the default).

  2. On the top right of the table, click the Kanban ECDrawerTileButton.png icon. The Cases in the system are displayed in Kanban (tile) view.

    • If a Case has been assigned, the Assignee icon AssigneeIconappears in the bottom right of the Case tile. Hover over it to see the name of the assignee.

    • Click Hide Column to hide the Done column and only see those Cases that are in Backlog, To Do, and In Progress states.

    • Click Show all Columns to view Cases of all statuses, including the Cases in the Done column.

    • Filter the Cases to view specific Cases.

    • Drag and drop a Case to a different column when its status changes.

    • Click the Table ECDrawerListButton.png icon to display the Cases in Table view.

    • To delete a Case, hover over its tile, click the Delete icon DeleteIconB in the top right corner, and then in the confirmation box, click Delete. The selected Case is completely deleted from the system. This cannot be undone.

Creating a New Case

Above the Filter area on the right, click Create Case to open a Create Case drawer for setting up and creating a new one-time Case. The new Case appears in the Case Management page (Table and Kanban view).


You can also create an automated ongoing Case using the Create new case enforcement action.

For general information about working with tables refer to Working with Tables.

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