Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) SQL
  • 29 Feb 2024
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Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) SQL

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Article summary

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) - SQL, previously Software Update Services (SUS), enables administrators to manage the distribution of updates and hotfixes released for Microsoft products.

Types of Assets Fetched

This adapter fetches the following types of assets:

  • Devices


  1. WSUS SQL Server - The hostname / domain of the WSUS SQL server.
    • To use a specific named instance, the value supplied should be in the following format: {server_host}\{instance_name}.
    • If no instance is supplied, the default instance will be used.
  2. WSUS SQL Server Port (optional) - The port of the WSUS SQL Server. Default 1443.
  3. User Name (required) - The credentials for a user account that has read access to the WSUS SQL Server.
    • The best practice is to create a dedicated SQL local user for Axonius usage. For details on creating an Axonius user for Microsoft SQL Server, see Creating a Local Read-Only User for Microsoft SQL Server.
    • If you are using a domain user, specify the domain and the user name in the following format: domain\username.
  4. Password (required) - Password of a user that has read access to the WSUS SQL Server. The password must not include ";".

To learn more about common adapter connection parameters and buttons, see Adding a New Adapter Connection.


Required Ports

  • 1433 or SQL Configured Port.


Using WSUS Views

Required Permissions

The value supplied in User Name read permissions to the WSUS SQL Database. If possible, a user that belongs to the WSUS Administrator Group.


  • "Login failed" - If you are using a domain user, in the User Name field, specify the domain and the user name in the following format: domain\username.

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