Searching for Assets
  • 21 Nov 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Searching for Assets

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Article summary

Click the search icon SearchIcon to open the search bar on any Axonius page. Use the search bar to use free text search to identify and investigate a specific asset or security misconfiguration (e.g. vulnerabilities). The search icon appears at the top of every page on Axonius. Note that you can use the Query Wizard to create granular queries to define a wide variety of filters, from which you can easily drill down to the assets that match the required search criteria.
You can add Axonius as 'new' search engine in Google Chrome to search for assets in Axonius directly from the Google Chrome address bar.

Searching for a Specific Asset

Upon searching specific text (string), the search is executed on all asset types and the field names available for searching those assets. To learn which fields are searchable for each asset type, see Fields Available for Search.

Click the search bar to open the Search for Assets dialog. It contains two sections: Recently Searched assets and Recently Viewed assets (assets whose specific Asset Profile page was viewed). If this is your first search ever, these sections are empty.


After typing at least three characters in the search bar, a list of results instantly appears, and updates as you keep on typing.


The Search function is not case-sensitive.

  • Under the search bar, you can see which asset types were found by the string you typed and how many of each asset type were found. Hover over the threedots.png icon to view additional asset types. You can click a specific asset type tab to view a list of only the assets from this type.
  • The Asset found by fields section lists all search results.

In the following example, we searched for "Bruce" and found 40 assets in total, including the following asset types: User Extensions, Expenses, Users, Devices, Vulnerability Repository, and Network Devices. The fields found include Host Name, Asset Name, User Email, and more.



Hover over a record row to view the full fields values. In the following example, you can see that "Bruce" was found in Devices, and the full Host Name and Asset Name fields values in which it appears are displayed.


From the Search for Assets dialog, you can:

  • Investigate a specific asset by clicking any record from the result list. This redirects you to the relevant Asset Profile page.
  • View the detailed list of results and explore them in the Assets Pages by selecting View Results at the bottom right of the dialog. You can either select this option from the All Assets tab, in which case, the search results open at the Assets Page of the first asset type suggested; or select it from a specific asset type tab, in which case, the search results open at this specific type's Assets Page.

Viewing the List of Results

Select View Results to go to the Search Results For [Search Text] page. On the left selection pane, you can navigate between the different Assets Pages in which results were found.
In the following example, the Devices page displays all assets in which the string "weblb" was found and the fields it was found in. In this case, it was found in the Host Name and Asset Name fields.


In each Search Results page, your search is translated to a Query Wizard expression. The query includes all the fields that were searched with OR conditions between them. See for example the query from the example above:


Note that all default fields are added automatically to the query even if they did not return results.
If results were found in fields that do not exist in your default view, those fields will be automatically added to the table.

See the Assets Page documentation for information on additional actions you can perform on each Assets Page to manage the assets found, such as creating queries, editing the table columns, refining data, exporting data, and more.

To exit the search results and reset the current Assets Page to your default view, click Clear Search Results on the top right of the page. You can also do this by clicking Reset on top of the table.


Once you click Clear Search Results, you cannot go back to the search page unless you click the search bar again and select it from the Recently Searched section.

To resume a search, if it appears in the Recently Searched section, simply click on it to run it again. Note that your last search is saved and can be accessed from the search bar from any page, unless you click X to reset it.

Searching for Assets Directly from Google Chrome Address Bar

To enable searching for assets directly from Google Chrome, you need to add Axonius as a 'new' search engine in Google Chrome:

  1. On your computer, open Google Chrome.
  2. At the top right, click More (image.png) and then Settings.
  3. Under Search engine, click Manage search engines and site search.
  4. Bellow the Search engines section, click the Add button.
  5. In the Add search engine dialog displayed, provide the following information:
    a. Search engine - Enter a label or name for the search engine. For example: "Axonius".
    b. Shortcut - Enter the text shortcut you want to use for the search engine. You can enter the shortcut in your address bar to quickly use the search engine. For example: "Axonius".
    c. URL with %s in place of query - Use the following URL format: https://[your Axonius address]/dashboard/explorer?search=%s
    For example:


For additional instructions, see Google Chrome Help - Add, edit, or remove other search engines.

To search for assets directly from Google Chrome, in the address bar, type "Axonius", press Tab or Space, and then type the text to search for. For example:

The Search page then opens, displaying the searched text in the search bar and the results for it.

To execute the search, you must already be logged on to Axonius.

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