Viewing Query Results from a Historical Date
  • 28 Jan 2025
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Viewing Query Results from a Historical Date

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Article summary

This capability is available for all chart types.

You can configure a chart to display data from a past date. You can select to view results for a date relative to today or a fixed date.

In addition to viewing results from the defined number of selected time periods, you can also select 'complete' periods and 'complete' periods 'to date'. Complete periods of time show data only for periods that are a whole unit. Complete periods to date, show data for whole units of time plus the time that elapsed in the current period.

For example, the 2 'complete weeks', displays data from the past two whole weeks. 2 'complete weeks to date' displays data for the past two whole weeks, plus the days that have elapsed in the current week so far.

To show data from a past date:

  1. Toggle Use historical data.
  2. Select one of the following options from the drop-down:
    • Relative date - Enter a value in the text box and then select the time unit: days, weeks, months, quarters, or years before the current date. The results are displayed for the relative date.

    • Specific date - Use the date picker to select a specific date. The results are displayed for that date.

      In the date picker, only dates for which there is data are available.


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