Importing and Exporting Asset Graphs
  • 10 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Importing and Exporting Asset Graphs

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Article summary

Asset Graphs can be exported and then imported to facilitate easy sharing. Exported graphs are saved in a JSON formatted file and can be saved to a repository folder on any disk drive or network location.

Export and Import capabilities, leveraging JSON files for streamlined data operations.
Facilitate data exchange, and collaboration, and optimize workflow with easy Export and Import functionality of saved graphs in JSON format.

Exporting Graphs

You can export one or more asset graphs at the same time. When multiple graphs are exported together, they are exported to one JSON file that includes all the selected graphs.

To export an Asset Graph:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • From the Asset Graph Manager page, select one or more graphs.
    • When a saved graph is loaded, click the three-dots menu select Export.
  2. From the Actions menu, select Export. The selected graphs are exported as a single JSON file to your designated downloads folder.

Importing Graphs

You can import one or more asset graphs at the same time when they are included in the same JSON file. When multiple graphs are imported together, each graph is created individually.

To import an Asset Graph:

  1. Above the upper-right corner of the Graphs list, click AssetGraph-ImportBtn.png.

  2. Select the JSON file that contains the graphs you want to import and click Open. The graphs in the file are imported and added to the Graphs list.

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