HPE Switches
  • 13 Nov 2023
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HPE Switches

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Article summary

HPE Switches provide switch inventory and ARP table information.

Types of Assets Fetched

This adapter fetches the following types of assets:

  • Devices (fetches from switches)
  • ARP tables (fetches from Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE))


  1. Host Name (required) - The hostname of the HPE Switches server.

  2. Username and Password (required) - The credentials for a user account that has permission to fetch assets.

  3. Private Key (optional) - Upload a private key file. Axonius can use the Private Key in the file for authentication.


    For authentication, you must specify at least password, but you can also specify both password and private key.

  4. Private Key Passphrase (optional, default: empty) - Enter a private key passphrase, in the case that the private key is protected by a passphrase.

  5. SSH Port (optional, default: 22) - Enter a value for the SSH port to use for the connection. Otherwise, Axonius uses the default port 22.

  6. Verify Fingerprint (optional) - Enter the host key configured on the SSH server, which is used to verify that the client is connecting to the correct host. The value can be usually found in ~/.ssh/known_hosts.


Version Matrix

This adapter was only tested with the versions marked as supported, but may work with other versions. Contact Axonius Support if you have a version that is not listed, which is not functioning as expected.


Supported From Version

Supported from Axonius version 6.0

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