Datto RMM (Autotask Endpoint Management)
  • 08 Mar 2022
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Datto RMM (Autotask Endpoint Management)

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Article summary

Datto RMM (formerly Autotask Endpoint Management) is a cloud-based Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) platform that provides device auditing, real-time monitoring, and automatic patching.

The Datto RMM adapter connection requires the following values:

  1. Datto RMM Domain - The hostname or IP Address of the Datto RMM server.
  2. API Key and API Secret Key - Use the authentication token you have generated for a user that has site viewer access to Datto RMM. For more details, see Datto RMM Help - Activate the API.
  3. Verify SSL - choose whether to verify the SSL certificate of the server.
  4. HTTPS Proxy (optional) - You can configure a proxy specifically to the adapter instead of directly approaching the domain.


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