Getting to Know the Axonius Interface
  • 24 Nov 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Getting to Know the Axonius Interface

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Article summary

The first time you log onto Axonius the system opens on the Dashboard page. The Axonius Platform side menu is visible from every page and provides your main navigation tool between the modules.

When you first open the application, the menu is closed.


Click the top icon OpenMenuicon to expand the menu.

The side menu contains icons to open all of the system modules and pages. Mouse over an icon to see the name of the module it opens. If you are working with a smaller screen, mouse over to see a scroll bar and scroll through the icons. Right click any icon to open a browser context menu with the option to open the page in a new tab or a new window. You can open the following system elements from the side menu.

DashboardIconDashboardThe Dashboard provides a single, consolidated, and central area to monitor and absorb insights on all assets based on saved queries designed to shed light on desired policy, breach of policy, and any other questions regarding asset management. The Dashboard page opens by default every time you log in to Axonius.
DashboardIconAssetsUse the Assets page to manage all assets discovered in your environment from one place.
AssetGraphIconAsset GraphUse the Asset Graph page to view a visual representation of the connections between the assets in your inventory.
QueriesIconQueriesUse the Queries page to manage the queries on your system. You can see a centralized summary of information about all saved queries in the system.
FindingsIconFindingsUse the Findings Center to view all alerts created in Axonius, all Finding rules defined in Axonius, and to create new Finding rules. When the first new alert appears in the Findings Center since it was last visited, a blue notification dot appears on the Findings Center icon. It is removed once you open the Findings Center. 
ECIconEnforcement CenterUse the Enforcement Center to create configurable Enforcement Sets that execute a saved query and then automatically perform an action on the entities that result from the query (policy gaps) to bridge, mitigate, notify, or create incidents on the identified gaps.
ReportsIconReportsUse Axonius Reports to generate a predefined executive report in PDF format, as CSV files, or as both.
DataAnalyticsButtonData AnalyticsUse Data Analytics to load query data into a configurable pivot table within Axonius.
CloudcompIconCloud Asset Compliance CenterThe Cloud Asset Compliance add-on uses cloud configuration and asset data from cloud IAAS providers and compares those implementations against industry benchmarks and frameworks.
AdapterIconAdaptersThe Adapters page displays the list of solutions that Axonius integrates with, called adapters.
SystemLogIconActivity LogsThe Activity Logs page tracks all activity in the Axonius system.
InstancesIconManage NodesThe Manage Nodes page displays all the Nodes in your system, and is used to manage the Node(s).

User Settings

An Avatar icon is displayed at the bottom of the screen. Mouse over to see the User Name and email of the user currently logged on to the system.


Click the Avatar to open a menu.


  • Click User Settings to view and update the Account Settings and to get the API Key.
  • Click Logout to log out of the system.

Top Pane Icons

Top icons

The following icons appear on the Top Pane

SearchiconSearch iconClick the Search icon to open the Search bar from any page and search for specific assets on the system. Refer to Searching for Assets
DiscoverButtonDiscover Now buttonManually runs a new global discovery cycle.
GettingStartedGetting Started iconOpens the Getting Started With Axonius pane.
HelpHelp and Support iconClicking this icon opens the following links in a new window:
  • Documentation - Navigates to the Axonius Documentation site.
  • Support Center - Navigates to the Axonius Customer Portal.
    • Requires login to see all of your support information. If you do not yet have access to the Support Center, learn how to get access
    • Can hide this link (displayed by default), by clearing the Enable Support Center link checkbox under Permissions> Global Actions.
  • Privacy Policy - Navigates to the Axonius Global Privacy Policy site.
  • External website - If configured in System Settings - User Interface Settings. You are required to confirm before navigating to the external site.  
NotificationsButtonAlerts iconOpens the Alerts page. The number of unread alerts is displayed next to the icon. Right click to open a browser context menu with the option to open the page in a new tab or a new window. 
SystemSettingsSystem Settings iconOpens the System Settings. Right click to open a browser context menu with the option to open the page in a new tab or a new window. 

Open Page from Link Button in New Tab 

Right click any link button at the top of any page to open the linked page in a new tab.    


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