Ubiquiti Networks UniFi Controller
  • 31 Jul 2024
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Ubiquiti Networks UniFi Controller

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Article summary

The UniFi Controller is a wireless network management software solution for managing multiple wireless networks using a web browser.

Types of Assets Fetched

This adapter fetches the following types of assets:

  • Devices


  1. UniFi Controller Domain (required) - The hostname of the UniFi Controller server.
  2. User Name and Password (required) - Specify the user name and password for a read-only user. A user with 'Read Only' role provides permission to access the data necessary to a given API resource. For more details, see the below section.
  3. Site (optional, default: default) - Specify the site name to fetch devices from.
    • If supplied, Axonius will fetch data from the specified site name.
    • If not supplied, Axonius will fetch data from site name 'default'.
  4. Verify SSL - Select whether to verify the SSL certificate of the server against the CA database inside of Axonius. For more details, see SSL Trust & CA Settings.
  5. HTTPS Proxy (optional) - Connect the adapter to a proxy instead of directly connecting it to the domain.

To learn more about common adapter connection parameters and buttons, see Adding a New Adapter Connection.


Advanced Settings


Advanced settings can either apply for all connections for this adapter, or you can set different advanced settings and/or different scheduling for a specific connection, refer to ​Advanced Configuration for Adapters

  • UniFi SSID include list (optional, default: empty) - Specify a comma-separated list of UniFi SSID.
    • If supplied, all connections for this adapter will only fetch devices whose SSID is any of the comma-separated list of UniFi SSID that have been defined in this field.
    • If not supplied, all connections for this adapter will fetch devices that are associated with any SSID.

For details on general advanced settings under the Adapter Configuration tab, see Adapter Advanced Settings.

Configuring a Read-Only User in UniFi Controller Dashboard

To configure a read-only user for Axonius:

  1. Open the Unifi Controller dashboard.
  2. Go to Settings -> Admins -> click Add New Admin.


  1. For Invite to Controller, select Manually set and store the password.
  2. Define a name and a password.
  3. Select Read Only role.
  4. Provide the user with the following Global Permissions:
    • Allow system stats access
    • Allow read only access to all sites
  5. Click Create.

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