Microsoft Azure Services Fetched as Assets
- Updated on 15 Dec 2024
- 1 Minute to read
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The following Azure entity types (services) can be fetched as Axonius assets.
Assets that are fetched as *Devices (marked with an asterisk) are fetched as devices by default.
Azure Entity Type | Axonius Asset Type |
Advisor | Cloud Security Exposures |
AnalysisServicesServer | *Devices |
ApacheSparkPool | *Devices |
ApiConnection | *Devices |
ApiManagement | Devices |
AppServicePlan | *Devices |
ApplicationGateway | Load Balancers |
AppGatewayHttpListener | Load Balancers |
ApplicationInsight | *Devices |
AutomationAccount | *Devices |
AvailabilitySet | *Devices |
AvailabilityTest | *Devices |
ArcEnabledMachine | Devices |
AzureDatabricks | Application Services |
ActionGroups | Alerts/Incidents |
B2CTenant | *Devices |
BlobContainer | Object Storage |
CertificateFromKeyVault | Certificates |
CommunicationService | *Devices |
VNGatewayConnection | *Devices |
ComputeSnapshot | Compute Images |
ContainerApp | *Devices |
ContainerGroup | *Devices |
ContainerRegistry | *Devices |
CosmosDBAccount | Databases |
DataFactory | *Devices |
PostgreSQLFlexibleServer | Databases |
PostgreSQLSingleServer | Databases |
MySQLFlexibleServer | Databases |
MySQLSingleServer | Databases |
MariaDB | Databases |
DataLakeAnalyticsAccount | Accounts/Tenants |
DedicatedSQLPool | *Devices |
Disk | Disks |
DnsRecord | Network Services |
DnsZone | Network Services |
EventHubNamespace | *Devices |
EventHub | Alerts/Incidents |
FileShare | Object Storage |
Firewall | Firewall Rules |
FormRecognizer | *Devices |
FrontDoorCDNProfile | *Devices |
FrontDoorWAFPolicy | *Devices |
FunctionApp | Serverless Functions |
KeyVault | Compute Services |
KeyFromKeyVault | Secrets |
KubernetesCluster | Compute Services |
KubernetesAgentPools | *Devices |
LoadBalancer | Load Balancers |
LoadBalancingRule | *Devices |
LocalNetworkGateway | *Devices |
LogAnalyticsMacAddresses | *Devices |
LogAnalyticsWorkspace | *Devices |
LogicApp | *Devices |
MachineLearningServiceRegistry | *Devices |
MachineLearningServiceWorkspace | *Devices |
MachineLearningWebService | *Devices |
ManagedIdentity | *Devices |
ManagementGroup | Groups |
NetAppAccount | Accounts/Tenants |
NetAppVolume | Object Storage |
NetworkInterface | *Devices |
NetworkSecurityGroup | Firewall Rules |
NetworkSecurityRules | *Devices |
NetworkWatcher | *Devices |
PolicyDefinition | Configurations |
PrivateEndpoint | *Devices |
PublicIPAddress | *Devices |
Queue | Object Storage |
RecoveryServiceVault | Compute Services |
RedisCache | Databases |
Relay | *Devices |
ResourceGroup | Groups |
RouteTable | *Devices |
RoleDefinition | Roles |
SecretFromKeyVault | Secrets |
ServiceBusNamespace | *Devices |
SentinelIncident | Alerts/Incidents |
SharedDashboard | *Devices |
SignalR | *Devices |
Solutions | *Devices |
SqlDB | Databases |
SqlManagedInstance | Databases |
SqlServer | Databases |
StorageAccount | Object Storage |
StorageAccountAccessKeys | Secrets |
Subscription | Accounts/Tenants |
SynapseWorkspace | *Devices |
SystemTopic | *Devices |
Table | Object Storage |
Tenant | Accounts/Tenants |
VirtualMachineScaleSet | Compute Services |
VirtualNetworkGateway | *Devices |
VirtualNetwork | Networks |
WCFRelay | *Devices |
WebApp | Application Services |
WebApplicationFirewallPolicy | Network Services |
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