Terminating an Enforcement Set Run
  • 26 Nov 2023
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Terminating an Enforcement Set Run

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Article summary

Enforcement Set runs can be terminated if they are running (in progress) or pending.

An Enforcement Set can include several Enforcement Actions. When an Enforcement Set that includes more than one Enforcement Action is terminated, one or more of the following can happen for any Action in that Enforcement Set:

  • An Action fully completed its run - This Action’s changes remain and cannot be undone.
  • An Action is currently running - The Action is stopped. Any change made by this action before it was terminated remains and cannot be undone.
  • An Action has not started to run - No changes to any asset are made and the Action does not run.
There is no undo for Enforcement Actions.

To terminate an Enforcement Set run

  1. From the Enforcement Sets page, click Run History.
  2. On the Run History page, select the run you want to terminate.
  3. From the Actions menu, select Terminate Task. This option is available only when one of the selected Enforcement Sets has a status (under the Result column) of In Progress or Pending. A notification popup appears specifying the number of enforcement runs that were terminated. The Result of the enforcement set run changes to Terminated.

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