  • 08 Jan 2025
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Article summary

SecurityScorecard rates cybersecurity postures of corporate entities through completing scored analysis of cyber threat intelligence signals for the purposes of third party management and IT risk management.

Types of Assets Fetched

This adapter fetches the following types of assets:

  • Devices
  • Domains & URLs


  1. SecurityScorecard Domain (required, default: - The hostname or IP address of the SecurityScorecard server.
  2. Token (required) - An API Key associated with a user account that has permissions to fetch assets.
  3. Portfolios (optional) - Specify the portfolio ID or portfolio name for each portfolio that you want to fetch. If more than one value is specified, separate each value by a comma. If no portfolios are specified, all portfolios are fetched.
  4. Companies (optional) - Specify the scorecard identifier or company name for each company that you want to fetch. If more than one value is specified, separate each value by a comma. If no companies are specified, all companies belonging to the specified portfolios are fetched. If Portfolios and Companies parameters are both empty, all companies are fetched, regardless of their associated portfolio.
  5. Verify SSL - Select to verify the SSL certificate offered by the value supplied in Host Name or IP Address. For more details, see SSL Trust & CA Settings.
  6. HTTPS Proxy (optional) - A proxy to use when connecting to the value supplied in Host Name or IP Address.
  7. HTTPS Proxy User Name (optional) - The user name to use when connecting to the value supplied in Host Name or IP Address via the value supplied in HTTPS Proxy.
  8. HTTPS Proxy Password (optional) - The password to use when connecting to the value supplied in Host Name or IP Address via the value supplied in HTTPS Proxy.

To learn more about common adapter connection parameters and buttons, see Adding a New Adapter Connection.


Advanced Settings


Advanced settings can either apply for all connections for this adapter, or you can set different advanced settings and/or different scheduling for a specific connection, refer to ​Advanced Configuration for Adapters.

  1. Fetch IP's from portfolio - Select whether to fetch IP addresses from a portfolio.
  2. Detect IP from URL - Select this option to detect the IP address from the URL.
  3. Parse as URL asset or device asset - From the dropdown, select either Create only devices assets, Create only URL assets, or Create both assets.
  4. Fetch domains from parent domain - Select this option to fetch domains from parent domains.
  5. Parse last seen from Findings: Last Seen Time - Select this option to parse the “Last Seen” value of the device from the latest “Findings: Last Seen Time”.


To learn more about Adapter Configuration tab advanced settings, see Adapter Advanced Settings.


Axonius uses the SecurityScorecard API.

Supported From Version

Supported from Axonius version 4.5

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