What's New in Axonius 6.1.9
  • 07 Apr 2024
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What's New in Axonius 6.1.9

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Article summary

Release Date: April 7th 2024

These Release Notes contain new features and enhancements added in version 6.1.9.

Assets Pages

The following features were added to all assets pages:

Query Wizard Enhancements

Updates to Operators for Date Fields

  • The new 'previous weeks' operator queries assets from the selected number of weeks since the previous Monday.
  • The 'previous month' operator has been renamed to 'previous months' and allows users to select the number of previous calendar months to compare the value for.

Adapter Pages and Adapter Interface New Features and Enhancements

The following updates were made to the common functionality across all adapters:

Adapter Interface

Edit Columns on Adapter Fetch History and Adapter Connections Pages

Edit Columns is now available on the Adapters Fetch History and Adapter Connections Pages.
This means users can add columns to the pages, remove columns, freeze columns display and save their selections as Saved Views.

Enforcement Center New Features and Enhancements

The following new features and enhancements were added to the Enforcement Center:

Increased Enforcement Set Run Priority Levels

Available Enforcement Set run priority levels have increased from 1-10 to 1-20. All Enforcement Sets scheduled to run every global discovery cycle run in the order of their set priorities - those with priority 1 (highest priority) run first, and those with priority 20 (lowest priority) run last.

Export Run History to CSV File

It is now possible to export to a CSV file the Run History table data of all runs, filtered runs, or a single run, by clicking Export CSV above the table on the Run History page.

Dynamic Value Statement Updates

The following updates were made to the Dynamic Value statement functionality:

The Dynamic Value statements Wizard now supports also, enabling writing to more than one enforcement action field in a single statement.

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