Zscaler Web Security
  • 13 Jan 2025
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Zscaler Web Security

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Article summary

Zscaler Web Security is a secure Internet and web gateway service that stops malware, advanced threats, phishing, browser exploits, malicious URLs, botnets, and more.

This adapter is compatible with Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA).

Types of Assets Fetched

This adapter fetches the following types of assets:

  • Devices
  • Users
  • SaaS Applications


  1. Zscaler Domain (required, default: admin.zscalerthree.net) - Specify the Zscaler cloud name that was provisioned for your organization. For example:

    • admin.zscalerbeta.net
    • admin.zscalerone.net
    • admin.zscalertwo.net
    • admin.zscaler.net
    • admin.zscloud.net
    • admin.zscalerdomain.net
    • mobileadmin.zscalerdomain.net
    • mobile.zscalerdomain.net

    For more details, see 'Retrieve your base URI and API key' section under Zscaler API - Getting Started.


    Your organization may use a Zscaler domain for Single Sign On (SSO) that is different from the Base URL. This domain may need to be accounted for in firewall rule configurations to allow for a successful connection.

  2. User Name and Password (required) - The user name and password used to connect to Zscaler Web Security.

  3. API Key (required) – Your organization's API key. The API key is mandatory to fetch user data from Zscaler.
    For more details about adding a new API key, see Zscaler documentation - About API Key Management.

  4. Company ID (optional) - Enter the Company ID. This parameter is only required if the Fetch Zscaler Client Connector enrolled devices parameter is selected.

  5. Verify SSL - Select to verify the SSL certificate offered by the value supplied in Zscaler Domain. For more details, see SSL Trust & CA Settings.

  6. HTTPS Proxy (optional) - A proxy to use when connecting to the value supplied in Zscaler Domain.

To learn more about common adapter connection parameters and buttons, see Adding a New Adapter Connection.


Advanced Settings


Advanced settings can either apply for all connections for this adapter, or you can set different advanced settings and/or different scheduling for a specific connection, refer to ​Advanced Configuration for Adapters.

Selecting Asset Types

In Advanced Settings, at the top of the Advanced Configuration, you can choose asset types that are relevant to specific advanced configurations.

  1. From the dropdown, select one or more asset types.
    Zscaler Web Security Advanced Setting asset type dropdown.png
  2. The relevant advanced configurations are displayed.
  3. Next to certain configurations, you can find a small Tooltip icon1 icon. Hover over the icon to see more information.
  4. The Advanced Configuration page is divided into sections, which can be collapsed to make it easier to navigate.

  1. Ignore duplicated MAC addresses - Select this option to ignore MAC addresses that are associated with more than one device fetched from Zscaler.
  2. Fetch users (required, default: true) - Select this option to fetch users data. Each user is added as a user asset in Axonius.
  3. Avoid hostnames duplications - Select this option to avoid returning duplicate hostname fetches.
  4. Fetch Zscaler Client Connector enrolled devices - Select this option to fetch enrolled devices from the Zscaler Client Connector.

When Fetch Zscaler Client Connector enrolled devices is selected, you must enter a value in the Company ID parameter.

  1. Enrich devices service status - Select this option to enrich device information with Service Status data.
  2. Add last used users information for duplicated devices (if "Avoid hostnames duplications" is enabled) - Select this option to add the last used users information for duplicated devices. This is applicable only when “Avoid hostnames duplications” is used.
  3. Add Device Manufacturer Serial for Zscaler devices - Select this option to extract the device manufacturer serial number from the UDID and add it to the device.
  4. Ignore SaaS Applications without users - Select this option to not fetch SaaS applications not assigned to any user.
  5. Ignore SaaS Applications Repository and parse all applications - Select this option to fetch all applications even if they are not in the Axonius SaaS Applications Repository.
  6. Filter out applications by name - Enter a name to filter out applications.
  7. Filter out applications by category - Enter a category to filter out applications.
  8. Discover Application Users (required, default: true) - By default this adapter fetches SaaS application users. Clear this option to not fetch SaaS application users.
  9. Include Linux devices - Select this option to include devices that have the Linux operating system on the device fetch.
  10. Device Types to be Fetched - Filter the devices you want to fetch by registration status. Select between All states except Removed, Registered (default), Removal Pending (default), Unregistered, Removed, and Quarantined.
  11. RateLimit (requests/hour) (optional, default: 700) - Enter the maximum rate of requests per hour by Axonius to the Zscaler server.

For details on general advanced settings under the Adapter Configuration tab, see Adapter Advanced Settings.


The following permissions are required for this adapter:
Functional Scope:

Under the 'Edit Administrator Role' setting:

  • Access Control
  • Policy and resource management
    • Zscaler Client Connector Portal
  • Traffic Forwarding
    • Zscaler Client Connector Devices
  • Authentication Configuration
    • User Management
  • Administrator's Access
    • View Only
  • Dashboard Access
    • View Only
  • Policy Access
    • View Only
  • Reporting Access
    • View Only

The value that you have in the Zscaler Domain parameter must be open in the firewall.

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