What's New in Axonius 6.1.19
  • 19 Jun 2024
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What's New in Axonius 6.1.19

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Article summary

Release Date: June 16th 2024

These Release Notes contain new features and enhancements added in version 6.1.19.

Dashboard New Features and Enhancements

The following new features and enhancements were added to the Dashboards:

Customize Time and Date Aggregation in Pivot Charts

The Pivot chart now offers more options for how to aggregate date and time data, and in what formats the dates and time are displayed. This provides more flexibility in how to visualize your data, allows users to follow behavior patterns throughout the day or week, and enables improved tracking for time sensitive metrics.

Assets Pages

New 'Configurations' Asset Type

New asset type added: Configurations.
Configurations are assets referring to customer’s configuration and parameters such as passwords, DB URLs, variables and more. Fetched from adapters such as AWS.

Vulnerability Management and Software Management Modules New Features and Enhancements

The following new features and enhancements were added to the Vulnerability and Software Management Modules:

Saved Queries
It is now possible to choose a Saved query to use as part of Software and Vulnerability queries.

Software Management Module New Features and Enhancements

The following new features and enhancements were added to the Software Management Module:

Software Approval List

  • It is now possible to export CSV files from the Software Approval List page.
  • It is possible to edit Approval Status and set Software to Approved or Not Approved directly from the Software page.

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