  • 24 Dec 2024
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Article summary

1Password is a password manager providing a place for users to store various passwords, software licenses, and other sensitive information in a virtual vault.


The credentials used to configure the adapter provide access to all passwords in all the vaults accessible by that user account.

The adapter does not use these credentials to fetch data, and the password information is not displayed.

Related Enforcement Actions:

Types of Assets Fetched

This adapter fetches the following types of assets:

  • Users
  • Permissions


  1. OnePasswordAddress (required) - The address of OnePassword that Axonius can communicate with via the Required Ports. This should not contain a prefix of http:// or https://. Do not add any specific endpoints after the domain For example agilebits.1password.com
  2. Auth Method - Select an Authentication method, either Secret Key Authentication (default) or Service Account Token Authentication.
    • Secret Key Authentication:
      • Email and Password (required) - The credentials for a user account that has the Required Permissions to fetch assets.
      • Secret Key (required) - A secret key that can be retrieved from the profile page of the relevant user. For example: A3-CFER76-3V6WK9-83MJS-CVRYQ-ZXLXM-GXS28 (dummy sequence)
      • MFA Secret (optional) - The secret generated in 1Password for setting up multi-factor authentication for the 1Password user. To use this setting you need to set up connection to applications on 1Password. Follow the instructions here to set up MFA authentication. At the end of the procedure you get a six-digit authentication code. This is the code that you need to paste into this field.
        Example for an MFA secret: J7NGB45ZMB2V6JUE (dummy sequence)
    • Service Account Token Authentication:
      • Service Account Token - A unique token associated with a service account (a non-human account) to use for authentication without human intervention.

To learn more about common adapter connection parameters and buttons, see Adding a New Adapter Connection.



Axonius uses the 1Password CLI.

Required Ports

Axonius must be able to communicate with the value supplied in OnePasswordAddress via the following ports:

  • 80/443

Required Permissions

The value supplied in Email must have Read permission and access to each vault the customer wants to see in Axonius in order to fetch assets.

If the following error is received:
Unsupported six-digit authentication
This means you did not enable two-factor authentication. If you do not wish to use two-factor authentication, then disable the two factor authentication for the account used. To do this enter the profile of the user, select more actions, and then select turn off two-factor authentication

Supported From Version

Supported from Axonius version 6.0

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