Configuring an Event Condition
  • 22 Feb 2024
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Configuring an Event Condition

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Article summary

You can add an Event Condition node under an Event node to determine how to proceed in the workflow based on the event results.

There are two types of Event Conditions:

  • Fields condition
  • Timeout condition - Only relevant following an Event configured with Timeout. This condition checks if the Event defined in the above node timed out. The workflow proceeds on the True branch if the Event in the above node times out after the defined amount of time. Otherwise, if the Event hasn't timed out, the workflow proceeds on the False branch.

To configure an Event Condition

  1. In the Event Conditions pane, select one of the following types of conditions to add to the event in the above node:
    • Fields condition - See below how to add a Fields Condition to a Workflow.
    • Timeout condition - Only enabled if the above Event is configured with Timeout. The timeout settings from the above Event node are displayed and cannot be modified.


  1. At the end of the True branch, hover over the + icon and and do one of the following:
  2. At the end of the False branch, hover over the + icon and do one of the following:

A node must be added to the ends of both or either of the False and True branches of an Event condition. When there is no node at the end of a False branch and the Event Condition is false, the Workflow completes, and the Run History shows the status of the Workflow as Completed. Similarly, when there is no node at the end of a True branch and the Event condition is true.

Adding a Fields Condition to a Workflow

A Fields condition includes conditions based on one or more of the following types of criteria:

You can add a condition based on event criteria, asset criteria, or both event and asset criteria.

When run, the workflow proceeds on the True branch if the event data matches all event condition criteria and the asset resolved from the event matches the query criteria. Otherwise, if even one condition criteria does not match, the workflow proceeds on the False branch.


To add a Fields condition to the Workflow

  1. In the Fields Condition settings, configure at least one condition based on event criteria or based on asset criteria.
    The first configured condition appears in the Event Conditions node. A counter shows the number of additional configured conditions. For example, if there are four configured conditions, the first condition appears in the node followed by +3.

Adding Conditions Based on Event Criteria

You can add an event condition based on one or more event criteria.
An event condition based on Event criteria checks if the event data matches the event criteria. For example, for an Asset value changed event that checks assets for changes in their Hostname (string field), the criteria can check if the Hostname of an asset contains "HostA". Or, for a Workday New Hire event, can check if the Hire Date was in the current year.
For the Asset value changed event, it is possible to configure each event criteria in the Event condition to be based either on the current value of the field or the previous value of the field. For example, for a Workflow that is set to trigger when an employee's status changes to Terminated, you can add a condition that the workflow continues only if the status changed from Employed to Terminate and does not continue if it changed from Onboarding.

To add conditions based on event criteria

  1. Under the Condition based on event criteria section, configure the following:
    • In the Select Field dropdown, select a field.
      • For the Asset value changed event, select Field Value to compare the current value in the condition or Previous Field Value .
    • In the Func dropdown, select a function.
    • In the textbox, type a value.
  2. To add an additional condition based on event criteria, click + and continue as in step 1.

To remove an event criteria

  • Hover over the criteria to remove, and click the x .
    If there is at least one other event criteria, the criteria is removed. Otherwise, if it is the only event criteria configured, the criteria values are cleared.

Adding a Condition Based on Asset Criteria

You can add an event condition based on a single asset criteria.

An event based on Asset criteria checks if the asset resolved from the event matches the query criteria. For example, checks if the asset is a Device (asset type) with a Windows Workstation (query).

To add a condition based on asset criteria

  1. Under the Condition based on asset criteria section, configure the following:

To clear an asset criteria

  • Hover over the criteria, and click the x. The criteria values are cleared.

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