Microsoft Azure - Send CSV to Microsoft OneDrive
  • 12 Feb 2024
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Microsoft Azure - Send CSV to Microsoft OneDrive

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Article summary

Microsoft Azure - Send CSV to Microsoft OneDrive creates a CSV file with the results of the saved query supplied as a trigger (or entities that have been selected in the asset table), and sends it to a specific path on Microsoft OneDrive.

See Creating Enforcement Sets to learn more about adding Enforcement Actions to Enforcement Sets.

General Settings

  • Enforcement Set name (required) - The name of the Enforcement Set. A default value is added by Axonius. You can change the name according to your needs.
  • Add description - Click to add a description of the Enforcement Set. It is recommended to describe what the Enforcement Set does.
  • Run action on assets matching following query (required) - Select an asset category and a query. The Enforcement Action will be run on the assets that match the query parameters.
  • Action name (required) - The name of the Main action. A default value is added by Axonius. You can change the name according to your needs.
  • Configure Dynamic Values - Toggle on to enter a Dynamic Value statement. See Creating Enforcement Action Dynamic Value Statements to learn more about Dynamic Value statement syntax.

Connection Settings

Click to view Connection Settings
  1. User name and Password (required) - The credentials for a Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) user account that has read and write permissions to the supplied OneDrive account.

    Axonius does not use the application authentication, as application permissions provides access to all files in the organization.

  2. Tenant ID (required) - Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) ID.
  3. Client ID (required) - The Application ID of the Axonius application.
  4. Folder path (optional, default: empty) - Specify a folder path.
    • If supplied, the file will be created under the specified folder path.
    • If not supplied, the file will be created under the user's root drive.
  5. File name (required, default: axonius_data) - The file name.
  6. Append date and time to file name (required, default: True)
    • If enabled, the date and time (in UTC) of enforcement action execution will be added as a suffix to the generated CSV file name. For example, axonius_data_2020-01-06-16:48:13.csv.
    • If disabled, the CSV file will be stored based on the specified/default file name.
  7. Verify SSL (required, default: True) - Verify the SSL certificate offered by Microsoft OneDrive. For more details, see SSL Trust & CA Settings.
    • If enabled, the SSL certificate offered by Microsoft OneDrive will be verified against the CA database inside of Axonius. If the SSL certificate can not be validated against the CA database inside of Axonius, the connection will fail with an error.
    • If disabled, the SSL certificate offered by Microsoft OneDrive will not be verified against the CA database inside of Axonius.
  8. HTTPS proxy (optional, default: empty) - A proxy to use when connecting to Microsoft OneDrive.
    • If supplied, Axonius will utilize the proxy when connecting to Microsoft OneDrive.
    • If not supplied, Axonius will connect directly to Microsoft OneDrive.

Additional CSV Settings

  • Split by asset entities - Select to create a CSV file where each asset on a device is shown as a separate row. This separates each asset as the 'expand' option in the application. It separates each asset by its entity. For example, you will be able to know which values were fetched from each adapter connection. If you do not select this option, all values on a device are in the same cell on the CSV file.
  • Split by field values - Choose field value - For complex fields and lists you can create a CSV file where the values of complex fields and lists are represented as separate rows in the file. From the drop-down box select the value that you want to display in the file, 'Tags' for instance. Only fields that have been discovered are available. For example, if you export by Installed Software, you will be able to see each installed Software name and its version.
  • Don't split complex objects into columns - When selected, complex objects appear in a single column in JSON format. By default, each field in a complex object is split into a separate column in the CSV file.
  • Export CSV delimiter to use for multi-value fields (default: Export CSV delimiter to use for multi-value fields field under the System Settings section in the GUI Settings) - Specify a delimiter to separate between values within the same field of an exported CSV file, otherwise the delimiter defined in Export CSV delimiter to use for multi-value fields is used.
  • Maximum rows (default: 1048500) - Specify the maximum number of rows to be included in the CSV file. When you set a value here the generated CSV file will include the top x rows, based on the specified values. Otherwise, the generated CSV file will include the default maximum rows, set as 1048500. (note that this value is the maximum value supported by Excel, setting a higher value generates a file that can't be displayed fully or correctly in Excel)
  • Include associated devices (only for Vulnerabilities and Software) - For Software and Vulnerabilities queries. Toggle on this option to include the associated devices with the preferred hostname as a predefined field for each software or vulnerability. When you create a CSV file with associated devices (for Vulnerabilities or Software), if the exported query results are larger than the value set under Maximum rows (or the default value of 1048500), an appropriate notice is displayed at the end of the CSV file.
  • Include Associated fetch events (only for Fetch History) - For Adapter Fetch History queries, select this option to include details of the associated Fetch Events in the CSV file that is created.
  • Device fields - This option is available for Software and Vulnerabilities. Select the device fields to add. By default Preferred Host Name is selected. Click add to select more fields. At least one field must be selected. Once you select fields, you can drag and drop to rearrange in the order that you want them to appear in the CSV file. Click the bin icon to remove a device field.

Required Permissions

Click to view Required Permissions

The value supplied in User Name must be a Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD) user account that has read and write permissions to the supplied OneDrive account.

  1. In Azure AD, create a user for Axonius.

  2. Login as the user and create an application. A user can register an application by default.

  3. Copy the Client ID and Tenant ID from the application page.

  4. In the Request API permission section, add GraphAPI and provide the following permissions:

    1. Delegated Permissions
    2. Files.ReadWrite.Al

    These permissions will allow the application an access only to the files that the user can access.

  5. Go to the Authentication section and enable the Allow public client flow.

For more details about other Enforcement Actions available, see Action Library.

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