Creating the Custom Enrichment CSV File
  • 31 Mar 2024
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Creating the Custom Enrichment CSV File

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Article summary

The CSV file contains headers and values. The first column of the CSV file lists data that identifies which assets to enrich, such as an asset name or ID. The other columns in the CSV include the data that will be added to the asset.

When the value in the asset matches the value in the first column, the values in the other columns are added to the asset. When the headings of these other columns match names of existing Axonius fields in the asset, these fields are updated with the values in the corresponding columns. Otherwise, new fields are added to the asset and the headings are used to name the enrichment fields in the asset with Enrichment prepended to the column heading when enriched based on a specific adapter, and Common Enrichment when enriched based on an aggregated field (created using System Settings or the Manage Custom Enrichment - Enrich assets with CSV file Enforcement Action with the default configuration).
When creating the Custom Enrichment using the Manage Custom Enrichment - Enrich assets with CSV file Enforcement Action with the option enabled to write enriched values, the headings are used to name the Enrichment fields in the EC Artifacts adapter with Enrichment prepended to the column heading and then those enriched field values are added as values to aggregated fields having the same name.

An Example CSV File

In the example CSV file below, the id column is what identifies which assets to enrich. When this value matches the value from the asset, that asset with that id is enriched with the data in the Name, Email_address and Physical_address columns.

Hyphens " - " and spaces are not allowed in the column headers/field names. Use underscores " _ " instead.


The asset with id of 3 will be enriched with the data from that row in the CSV as follows:

  • Name - John
  • Email_address -
  • Physical_address - 190 Circle Road
When there is no value in a column for a particular asset, that asset is not enriched with that field. In the example above, the asset with an id of 8 would only be enriched with the fields Name and Email_address.

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