- 09 Jan 2023
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What's New in Axonius 4.8.0 compared to 4.7.8
- Updated on 09 Jan 2023
- 3 Minutes to read
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These Release Notes contain new features and enhancements added in version 4.8.0 after the most recent minor version 4.7.8.
Axonius adds and updates adapters and enforcement actions all the time. Follow ongoing updates to adapters and enforcement actions in Axonius 4.7.
Dashboard New Features and Enhancement
The following new features and enhancements were added to the Dashboards:
Import and Export Dashboards
It is now possible to import and export Dashboards using the Axonius user interface. This makes sharing and moving Dashboards between environments easy.
Dashboard Enhancements
Activity Logs Queries Supported in Field Segmentation Chart
The capability was added to create Field Segmentation Charts based on Activity Logs queries.
Chart Query Details Displayed in the Query Wizard
Chart Query Details Displayed in the Query Wizard - When a Field Summary chart is clicked to see a list of the assets it represents, the query configured in the chart is populated into both the query bar and the Query Wizard.
NOTEWhen working with a Field Summary Chart, there are cases when the query configured in the chart was written or edited in the query bar of the Queries page as an Axonius Query Statement, and not in the Query Wizard, and then run. If you configure a chart with that query and then click the chart to see a list of assets, the query parameters are not populated into the Query Wizard.
Devices and Users Page New Features and Enhancements
The following new features and enhancements were added to the Devices and Users pages.
Query Wizard Enhancements
Field Comparison Supports “contains” for List Strings and Strings
- In Field Comparison queries added the capability to use “contains” to compare between list strings such as Preferred IPs and strings such as Asset Name. This comparison is not case sensitive. Results are returned when the first value contains the second value.
Vulnerability Management Module New Features and Enhancements
The following new features and enhancements were added to the Vulnerability Management Module:
Additional Non-CVE Enhancements
- To align with the user-interface enhancements, the CVE Severity column was renamed Severity, and now displays the severity level of all vulnerabilities.
Enhanced Vulnerability Information
When a vulnerability isn’t a CVE type but fetched by some adapters, such as Tenable, added the ability to learn more about the vulnerability and how to remediate it by clicking the link in the Vuln ID column.
Adapter Pages and Adapter Interface New Features and Enhancements
The following updates were made to the common functionality across all adapters:
Connection Configuration Search
A new Connection Configuration Search in the Adapter Connections allows searching by a key, string value, or combination of a key and string value of an adapter connection configuration.
Role Based Access Control Management New Features and Enhancements
The following updates were made to Role Based Access Control:
Deleting the Default admin Account
- It is now possible to delete the default admin user account.
Data Scopes New Features and Enhancements
The following updates were made to Data Scopes:
Switching Data Scopes
The ability for a user to temporarily enter another Data Scope without having to log in as a different user. A yellow banner at the top of the window lets you know to which Data Scope you are connected.
Administrator Settings New Features and Enhancements
The following updates were made to various Administrator settings:
Manage Custom Fields and Tags
A new Manage Custom Fields and Tags tab was added to enable administrators to globally manage all Custom Fields and Tags in the system in one location.
The following capabilities were added:
- Add, delete and merge custom fields
- Export, rename and delete tags
Identity Provider Settings
The Identity Provider Settings page has been separated into separate pages to make it easier to find the documentation for each type of provider setup.
Support for Multiple SAML Providers
- You can now configure multiple SAML identity providers. This allows users with different providers to seamlessly log in to Axonius.
Multiple LDAP Configuration
It is now possible to configure more than one LDAP Configuration.
- Note: Multiple LDAP is not supported when you are working with a tunnel.