User Extensions
  • 06 Feb 2025
  • 3 Minutes to read
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User Extensions

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Article summary

An extension is an instance of a SaaS application granting access permissions to another SaaS or native application to allow for a seamless user experience across SaaS applications. The User Extensions page displays each individual extension that can be reviewed and managed as its own separate unit.

Click the Assets icon Asset_Icon1 and from the left-pane, select User Extensions.



The Overview section contains three visual displays of the SaaS applications in your organization. These charts adjust reflect any query applied to the page.

You can click the Hide Charts icon HideDynamicCharts to hide the graphs in the Overview section. Click it again to display the graphs.

  • The Active vs Inactive Users in Application Extension chart shows the number of Active and Inactive extensions, segmented by application. Use the check boxes to display the Active and/or Inactive users. Hover over the chart to see the percentage of users represented by each segment. Select the corresponding check boxes to display data for only active or inactive users.
  • The Extension Types by Number of Users graph shows the number of users with each extension type. Hover over the various bars to see the percentage of users for each extension type.
  • The Extensions by Number of Users graph shows the number of users with extension types for each application. Hover over the various bars to see the percentage of extensions for each user.


User Extensions Table

The User Extensions table opens displaying the default view. Not all of the fields are displayed by default. Use Edit Columns to add or remove columns. Each user can customize what fields appear in their own, personalized default view. For more information, see Setting Page Columns Displays.

Click the arrow next to any of the fields to see more details about that field.

User Extension Fields

There are many fields that you can view and query on the User Extensions page. This includes the following fields:

  • Name - Name of the extension.
  • Used By - The SaaS application leveraging the extension. If the extension's application does not exist in Axonius's application repository, then this field will be empty.
  • Extension Type -The type of extension (SSO, ASK, admin consent, etc.). For more details, see Extension Types.
  • Permissions - Details of permissions granted for the application.
  • Activity Status - Indicates the extension activity within the application/account.
  • Associated User - Details for the user associated with the extension.
  • Is Operational- Indicates if the extension is operational.
  • Last Accessed - The date of the last usage of the extension
  • Never Accessed - Indicates if the extension has never been used.
  • Permissions: Is Admin - Indicates if admin level permission has been granted for this extension.
  • Permissions: Is Identity - Indicates if identity level permission has been granted for this extension.
  • User Activity Status - User account activity for the associated application/account.
  • Association scope - Shows if an Extension is for a specific user, a group, or all users.

View Permissions

To view the permissions that are granted for an extension, hover over the number in the Permissions column.

Creating Queries on User Extensions

You can create queries on this page using the Query Wizard or the Basic Query and query fields such as the Extension Type, Activity Status, Is Operational, and more. You can add additional levels to the query, such as querying by risk and security policy. Use these queries to find out which extensions are associated with inactive users, the permission level associated with an extension, and more. Refer to Creating Queries with the Queries Wizard and how to create Queries in Basic mode to learn more about creating queries.

For example, this query enables you to locate all of the active user extensions in your SaaS environment that are associated with inactive users:

And this example query enables you to locate all of the extensions that contain 'Write" level permissions:


After running the query, the overview and table show the queried extensions, filtered by the criteria you defined in your query.

Add Tags to User Extensions

Use tags to assign context to your assets for granular filters and queries. Apply new or existing tags to the selected user extensions. The list of selected tags is applied to all selected extensions.

Refer to Working with Tags to learn about adding tags to user extensions.

View a User Extension Profile

You can click on an individual User Extension asset to see all the data for that particular asset. For more information, see Asset Profile Page.

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