- 20 Aug 2023
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Generate a Report
- Updated on 20 Aug 2023
- 2 Minutes to read
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You can generate a PDF document to share Dashboards and query results in an executive-friendly format.
Axonius Reports include the Axonius Dashboard charts of the Dashboards selected, or a selected list of saved queries for any asset on your system, or a combination of both Dashboards and a selected list of saved queries. The report also includes links to the relevant Axonius page providing additional details.
To learn more about Reports, see the Reports page.
To Achieve this Milestone
Go to the Reports page, and create a report based on the query you saved earlier.
Configuring a Report
The Report Configuration opens allowing you to configure the report content and set its scheduling.
To configure a new report:
- Open the Report Configuration page, from the left navigation panel, click
icon. The Reports page opens.
- Click Add Report to add a new report. To view and edit an existing report, click a specific report record in the table.
The page displays the timestamp of the last generated report at the top of the Reports page.
3. Provide a report name, which must be unique.
4. Under Report Configuration:
- Select whether to create a private or a public report.
* Private reports may include:- My Dashboard space charts.
- Private saved queries.
- If enabled, the report will be private and can only be viewed, edited or deleted by the user that created and owns that report.
- If disabled, the report will be a public report. Any user with the right report permissions can view, edit or delete that report.
- Select whether to include dashboard charts and then select which dashboard spaces to include.
- Select whether to include Saved Queries and then configure a list of selected saved queries.
- Select Generate CSV with queries results to create a CSV file with the entire saved query results for each of the listed saved queries. When you first run a report, it could take a few minutes to generate the CSV file.
- To schedule an email sent with the report attached, select the Email Configuration checkbox.
- Specify email subject, list of recipients and recipients CC, and select the email schedule (every x days, every x hours, on sets days of the week, or on set days of the month).
To download the latest generated report, click Download PDF.
You can download the latest generated report as a PDF file, a CSV file or as both CSV and PDF.
To learn more about configuring reports, see Report Configuration Page.
Configuring an Email Server
To schedule an email sent with the report attached, you must configure an email server.
To configure an email server, from System Settings, under External Integrations select Email enable Send emails and configure the email host and port. For more details, see Configuring - Email Settings.