Campaigns Overview
- 30 Dec 2024
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Campaigns Overview
- Updated on 30 Dec 2024
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Use Axonius' Campaigns page set up and carry out periodic assessments to the continued necessity of users' previously granted access to software, applications, and permissions in your organization. After initiating a Campaign, you can monitor its progress, and determine whether to approve or revoke user access.
For example, if your organization pays a large sum of money for Figma licenses, you can create a Campaign to determine which users should continue having a license and which users should have their license revoked.
From the Campaigns page, you can do the following:
- View a list of all the Campaigns created in your data scope, view their information, monitor their status, and modify, delete, or terminate Campaigns, as required.
- View the entire configuration of a selected Campaign.
- Create a new Campaign.
- Manually run a Campaign or schedule a Campaign to automatically run at a later date.
- View a Campaign's run history, including all Approvers' responses.
This section also describes how Approvers respond to a Campaign message.
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