What's New in Axonius 3.4
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What's New in Axonius 3.4

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Article summary

Release Date: May-28-2020


New Adapters

The following new adapters have been added in this release:

  1. Big ID
    • BigID is a data security solution that provides enterprise protection and privacy of personal data.
    • This adapter fetches the following types of assets: Devices.
  2. Citrix Endpoint Management (XenMobile)
    • Citrix Endpoint Management (formerly XenMobile) is a solution for managing endpoints, offering mobile device management (MDM) and mobile application management (MAM) capabilities.
    • This adapter fetches the following types of assets: Devices.
  3. HPE Intelligent Management Center (IMC)
    • HPE Intelligent Management Center (IMC) is a networking solution that delivers management across campus core and data center networks.
    • This adapter fetches the following types of assets: Devices, Users.
  4. Infoblox NetMRI
    • Infoblox NetMRI provides network change and configuration management (NCCM), enabling users to automate network change, understand network health, manage network configurations, and meet a variety of compliance requirements.
    • This adapter fetches the following types of assets: Devices, Users.
  5. Pure Storage Pure1
    • Pure Storage Pure1 is a cloud-based storage management solution that provides self-driving storage, data-storage management, and monitoring.
    • This adapter fetches the following types of assets: Devices.
  6. Vectra AI
    • Vectra AI is a cybersecurity platform that uses AI to detect and respond to cyberattacks.
    • This adapter fetches the following types of assets: Devices.

For more details, explore the entire list of supported and integrated adapters.

Updated Adapters

The following adapters have been enhanced:

  • CSV (Connection Configuration) - Modified the Path to Resource (SMB/URL) field in the Add Connection dialog for all 'file-based' adapters.

    • This field lets you specify also an FTP URL where a file can be fetched for this connection.
    • If an FTP URL is supplied, all URLs must start with FTP://
    • This field has been enhanced to support FTP URL for all 'File-based' Adapters.

  • CyberArk Privileged Account Security (Connection Configuration) - Added a new Authentication Method field to the Add Connection dialog for this adapter .

    • This new fields lets you specify the authentication method used for the connection.
    • Supported authentication methods are: CyberArk, Windows, LDAP and RADIUS.
    • This field is required.
    • The default value for this field is CyberArk.

  • Microsoft Azure (Connection Configuration) - Multiple enhancements:

    • Added new Azure Stack Hub Management URL and Azure Stack Hub Resource String fields to the Add Connection dialog for this adapter.
      • These new fields let you specify the hostname or IP address of the Microsoft Azure Stack Hub server (a Microsoft Azure on-premise server) and the URL for the Azure Stack Hub Resource String.
      • If supplied, Axonius will authenticate to the Microsoft Azure cloud server, and will fetch asset data from the Microsoft Azure Stack Hub server. Axonius will not fetch any asset data from Microsoft Azure cloud server.
      • If not supplied, Axonius will authenticate to the Microsoft Azure cloud server, and will fetch asset data from the Microsoft Azure cloud server. Axonius will not fetch any asset data from Microsoft Azure Stack Hub server.
      • These fields are optional.
      • The default value for these fields is empty.
    • Added a new Azure Stack Hub Proxy Settings field to the Add Connection dialog for this adapter.
      • This new field lets you select one of the following proxy options:
        • Do not use proxy - Axonius will not use a proxy to authenticate to the Microsoft Azure cloud server and will not use a proxy to fetch asset data from the Microsoft Azure Stack Hub server.
        • Proxy authentication only - Axonius will only use the proxy specified in the HTTPS Proxy field to authenticate to the Microsoft Azure cloud server.
        • Proxy Azure Stack Hub only - Axonius will only use the proxy specified in the HTTPS Proxy field to fetch asset data from the Microsoft Azure Stack Hub server.
        • Proxy all - Axonius will use the proxy specified in the HTTPS Proxy field to authenticate to the Microsoft Azure cloud server and also to fetch asset data from the Microsoft Azure Stack Hub server.
      • This field is required.
      • The default value for this field is Do not use proxy.

  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) (Advanced Settings) - Multiple enhancements:

    • Added a new Allow use of BETA API endpoints checkbox to the Azure AD Configuration tab in the Advanced Settings for this adapter.
      • This new checkbox lets you select whether Axonius will use BETA API.
        • If enabled, all connections for this adapter will use BETA API to fetch information about users' last log-on and users' MFA enrollment status, but only if Allow fetching MFA enrollment status for users is enabled.
        • If disabled, all connections for this adapter will not use BETA API to fetch additional information about users.
      • This checkbox is required.
      • The default value for this checkbox is False.
    • Added a new Allow fetching MFA enrollment status for users checkbox to the Azure AD Configuration tab in the Advanced Settings for this adapter.
      • This new checkbox lets you select whether to fetch users' MFA enrollment status.
        • If enabled, all connections for this adapter will use BETA API to fetch information about users' MFA enforllment status.
        • If disabled, all connections for this adapter will fetch users' MFA enrollment status.
      • To enable this setting, Allow use of BETA API endpoints checkbox must be enabled.
      • This setting required enabling the following application permissions:
        • reports.Read.All
    • Added a new Number of parallel requests field to the Azure AD Configuration tab in the Advanced Settings for this adapter.
      • This new field lets you specify the maximum parallel request all connections for this adapter will create when connecting to the Microsoft Azure AD cloud server.
      • If not supplied, the default value is used.
      • This field is optional.
      • The default value of this field is 10.
    • Added a new Max retry count for parallel requests field to the Azure AD Configuration tab in the Advanced Settings for this adapter.
      • This new field lets you specify how many times all connections for this adapter will retry a parallel request when the Microsoft Azure AD cloud server returns a response with an error.
      • If not supplied, the default value is used.
      • This field is optional.
      • The default value of this field is 3.
    • Added a new Time in seconds to wait between retries of parallel requests field to the Azure AD Configuration tab in the Advanced Settings for this adapter.
      • This new field lets you specify how many seconds all connections for this adapter will wait in between each retry when a parallel request to the Microsoft Azure AD cloud server returns a response with an error.
      • If not supplied, the default value is used.
      • This field is optional.
      • The default value of this field is 3.

Dashboard Updates

The following updates have been made to the Axonius Dashboard:

  • Matrix Data Chart - Added a Matrix Data chart type.
    • This new chart lets you visualize a data matrix that consists of multiple data intersection between one or multiple base queries and up to 3 intersecting queries.
    • Each bar in the stacked bar chart visualizes the intersections between a specific base query and the each of the specified intersecting queries.
    • The value of each bar chart is the summary of all devices or users assets derived from data intersections for a specific base query.
    • The total of all the bars is displayed in the bottom of the chart below the orange separator.
    • Data labels provides the following details on each segment:
      • Base query name.
      • Intersecting query name.
      • Number or results.
      • Percentage of the segment size out of the total.
    • By default, the top 5 results are displayed. Use the paginations button to view the rest of the results.

  • Bar charts - Added a configurable default sort to the Field Segmentation and Query Comparison charts.

    • This new configuration lets you determine the default sort of data for bar charts.
    • The available sort options are:
      • Sort by Value (Descending/Ascending) - Sorts by the segment size.
      • Sort by Name (Descending/Ascending): Sorts by the segment title.


    • The default sort can be also changed via the chart menu.

Enforcement Center Updates

The following updates have been made to the Axonius Security Policy Enforcement Center:

New Actions

The following Actions have been added:

  • Update ServiceNow Computer - Added a new enforcement action called Update ServiceNow Computer under the Manage CMDB Computer category.
    • This new action takes the saved query supplied as a trigger (or devices that have been selected in the asset table) with devices fetched by ServiceNow and update those devices' details in ServiceNow.

Updated Actions

The following Actions have been enhanced:

  • Manage CMDB Computer - The Create CMDB Computer has been renamed to Manage CMDB Computer to clarify the actions under this category are not limited to creating new CMDB computers.

Device and User Tables Interface Updates

The following updates have been made to the device and user tables in Axonius:

  • Query Wizard - Added a new Field Comparison option to the Source drop-down.
    • Field Comparison (displayed as CMP)

      • This option lets you compare between adapter field values, and only return devices which match the comparison.
      • The following field types are supported: String, Enum, Boolean, Numeric, and Date.
      • For String, Enum, Boolean, and Numeric fields - Equals operand is supported (String comparison is case-sensitive)
      • For Date fields - Equals, <, >, <days and >days operands are supported.
        • When comparing date fields, the time is ignored and only the date is compared.
        • The new >days operand lets you query if the first date field is later than the second date field by more than the number of days specified.
        • The new <days operand lets you query if the first date field is sooner than the second date field by more than the number of days specified.
        • Example: query all devices whose last seen by the Amazon Web Services (AWS) adapter is more than 3 days after their last seen by the Microsoft Active Directory (AD) adapter.


  • Column Filter - Modified the column filter capability.
    • Added a new Column Filter dialog.
    • On the right of each field, click image.png to open the Column Filter dialog.
    • This new dialog lets you filter and search for specific values to be displayed in each table column displayed on the page, including multi-field columns.
    • Each filter consists of:
      • Value - On which Axonius will run a case insensitive 'contains' search.
      • NOT Flag - This flag lets you define a blacklist by negating the filter line, and only match values that do NOT match the value specified.
    • When multiple filters are specified, Axonius will display only values that match for all the filters.


General Enhancements

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