- 08 Dec 2022
- 3 Minutes to read
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What's New in Axonius 4.7.5
- Updated on 08 Dec 2022
- 3 Minutes to read
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These Release Notes contain new features and enhancements added in version 4.7.5.
Read What's New in Axonius 4.7 to see all Axonius 4.7 features
Axonius adds and updates adapters and enforcement actions all the time. Follow ongoing updates to adapters and enforcement actions in Axonius 4.7.
General Axonius Interface Enhancements
The Axonius User Interface was updated for a cleaner look and feel, to make it easier to find and access everything you need to work with Axonius Cybersecurity Asset Management
- The sidebar icons for access to the modules have been refreshed.
- The Action Settings, Avatar and Logout button were moved to the bottom of the sidebar.
- The Search icon appears at the top of every page on the system so that users can use it more easily, from wherever they are in the platform, Search results open on a new page.
- The icons on the top bar were updated.
- Information banners that appear at the top of the page appear above the User Interface elements.
Dashboard New Features and Enhancement
The following new features and enhancements were added to the Dashboards:
Table Presentation Style for Query Comparison Bar Charts and Field Segmentation Charts
The data in Query Comparison bar charts and Field Segmentation charts can be displayed in a table format without the bars. This can make viewing data easier in some cases.
Chart Tools Appear on Mouse Hover
When hovering over a chart, the chart tools (filter, resize, etc.) are displayed. This provides a cleaner look and makes it easy to see which chart is active. See Chart Actions for more information.
Duplicating a Space
The capability was added to duplicate a Space. This makes it easy to create new Spaces that are similar to an existing Space. All charts in the Space are duplicated along with their configurations.
Automatic Color Assignment for Field Segmentation Charts
You can now have Axonius assign colors to the bars in field segmentation charts.
Auto-duplication of the Asset Module When Adding Multiple Queries to a Query Comparison Chart
When adding additional queries to a Query Comparison Chart, the type of asset module selected will be automatically listed on the Add Query button. Click the button to add a query for the same module or select a different module from the list.
Selecting an asset module causes that module to be automatically selected for the next query.
Default Query Display
By default the queries displayed in the query drop-down in charts are displayed by the date they were created.
Devices and Users Page New Features and Enhancements
The following new features and enhancements were added to the Devices and Users pages.
Freeze Columns
You can freeze the columns displayed on the Assets page.
Query Wizard Enhancements
The following enhancements were added to the Query Wizard.
Field Comparison on List Fields
Added the capability to perform a Field Comparison on list fields using the in and equals operators.
Query Management New Features and Enhancements
The following new features and enhancements were added to the Queries:
Expand and Collapse Folders in the Folders Pane
Capability was added to collapse and expand the folders in the Folder pane. This enables you to collapse or expand folders to see the folders you want when there are many folders.
Move to Folder Action Menu Enlarged
On the Query page the pane for the Move To Folder action was made larger.
Enforcement Center New Features and Enhancements
The following new features and enhancements were added to the Enforcement Center:
Remove Values from Custom Data
In the Axonius - Remove Custom Data from Assets action, it is now possible to remove specific values from a list field, instead of the complete field.